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Category: Dental Care

  • Minimize Gum Recession at Home | The tooth and brushing

    Minimize Gum Recession at Home | The tooth and brushing

    10 Tips to Minimize Gum Recession at Home

    Minimize Gum Recession at Home: Hi, I’m dr. Joe Namath, I’m a periodontist, in Southfield Michigan and I want to talk a little bit today about gum recession now I do a lot of gum recession correction a lot of gum recession treatment a lot of people would like to know what they can do to prevent or Minimize Gum Recession so let’s talk about some of the things.

    First of all let’s talk about the tooth, brushing I think a manual toothbrush is better to use than an electric toothbrush I think you can control it better and it tends not to traumatize the tissue as much as an electric toothbrush can now when you’re using a manual toothbrush do not hold it with your fist because that means you’re probably going to be scrubbing hold it with the fingertips and just carefully and gently brush and when you brush.

    Tooth, brushing

    Brush it down on the upper teeth and up on the lower teeth as opposed to going back and forth which again can contribute to recession also you want to use a soft toothbrush this is a soft toothbrush they now have ultra-soft toothbrushes like this and this is a bit more expensive but the bristles are extremely soft and I’ve used them myself and even because when the gum recedes the bone receipts along with it and it’s very important not to lose that gum so that you don’t lose that bone well what else can you do to Minimize Gum Recession you still need to keep your teeth clean in between the teeth which means flossing or interdental stimulators which I actually prefer to the flossing also

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    Minimize Gum Recession

    If you have gum recession take some of the measures I talked about to Minimize Gum Recession for the progression of it or if it’s severe and continuing to progress give us a call because we use the pinhole treatment mainly to treat gum recession preventing bone loss preventing for the gum recession and covering the roots as much as possible so keep your mouth healthy you’ll be healthier have a great day restore your smile and your health visit dr. Nemeth calm to schedule your visit dr. Nemeth calm to schedule your appointment today.

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